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New Research indicates that older people are indeed wise, both in knowing how to deal with conflicts between people and in accepting life’s uncertainties. This is called social wisdom. - recognising that values differ among people, - accepting that uncertainties are in fact a certainty, - accepting that things change over time, - and acknowledging others’ points of view. This is different to knowing stuff about technologies. As technology becomes the new playground the rules are the same but they execute differently. As photographers who ran successful businesses become last year's model To View More >>
We're proud to announce that New Zealand’s two specialist Pro Labs are to merge. Bob and Lena Tulloch have decided it’s time to exit the lab business after twenty-seven years so they can focus on their studio and gallery in Mt Maunganui. They are delighted that the Super-Lab operation will become part of Queensberry’s lab services. Bob says, “After so many years of personal involvement in the printing business this will inevitably be a wrench, but we are personally committed to making the transition a success for Super-Lab clients. Queensberry has the same commitment as Super-Lab to quality, To View More >>
If you're finding this year tough, and you've said, or thought, what's wrong, I'm not doing anything different... right there may be your problem. Just as things changed when you switched from film to digital, or PC to Mac, or Nikon to Canon, things have changed with the end of the party economy... Have you heard how much the Las Vegas convention industry is suffering because it's not a good look for corporations to go there to "party" when times are tough? This is probably not the best time to be selling party souvenirs. Your work needs to be significant, worthwhile, to survive the end of the To View More >>

Heather and I bought a second-hand Kenwood mixer thirty years ago when we went to live in the Solomon Islands. We thrashed it for three years making our own bread – a lot better than the sweet yellowy stuff from the local store! – and it still works fine today. After I used it last weekend I posed it next to our toaster and snapped a photo with my iPhone. It looks a bit beaten up but it won't surprise me if the darned mixer outlasts us! Unlike the toaster, which has been a dog since Day One and may not survive the month. Isn't it an awesome thought that the albums you're creating right now To View More >>
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