

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Angelique Buckley and her boss Mike Kehr of mk Photography have earned the respect of Photojunction developers over the years for their eagerness to share insight, suggestions, advice and encouragement about beta versions of Photojunction. 1) Why do you and Mike have such an interest in the development of Photojunction Remix? Angelique: "We are design junkies in the studio. Combine that with everyone's love of technology and it is inevitable. I am a fixer and can't stand things that aren't JUST RIGHT. When I first tried Remix, it was clear that it was better than the original Photojunction for To View More >>

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New Research indicates that older people are indeed wise, both in knowing how to deal with conflicts between people and in accepting life’s uncertainties. This is called social wisdom. - recognising that values differ among people, - accepting that uncertainties are in fact a certainty, - accepting that things change over time, - and acknowledging others’ points of view. This is different to knowing stuff about technologies. As technology becomes the new playground the rules are the same but they execute differently. As photographers who ran successful businesses become last year's model To View More >>

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We have discovered a new range of Photoshop plugins that allows us to put the soul (which we forgot to put in while shooting) back into our imagery. Because these soulful images are our unique selling point, I can't tell you where we found them. With this set of plugins we are able to take a loveless bride and groom and turn them into passionate beings. We are able to take an indiscreet glance and turn it into the look of love. We are able to take monochromatic feelings and turn them into a fiercely burning fire ... all with the help of some photoshop and a couple of plugins. It's not true! That's To View More >>

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We've been off-line since the weekend – nearing the end of a fraught server upgrade! We apologise for the lack of communication. One of the consequences is that we haven't been able to read your mail in support suite - it's there but we can't access it - but at least there are still flesh and blood people working on your albums, and we'll email everyone as soon as we're up and running again. Shouldn't be long. To View More >>

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This clip is from Mad Men, the US TV series about '60s-era Madison Ave ad-men. The guys are planning the launch of the Kodak Carousel. Watch 'em weep. It's not the about the technology, it's not about "new", it's about...  what drives your business. Cheers, Ian To View More >>

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