

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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It's easy for us to never think about the galaxy we're part of. Even Star Wars is about galaxies far, far away! But Paul Wison says that when you're away from the city, and your urban life, you see things in a very different light — literally. "You see stars like never before – whole galaxies gleaming in the distance, and suddenly you experience a combination of feeling both very insignificant, and incredibly lucky to be standing, frozen in time, staring into the distance and admiring a view that has taken aeons to conspire." Paul is a New Zealand wedding and astrophotographer To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

To that old saying about the only certainties being death and taxes, we need to add CHANGE! Change never ends, and as long as you don’t mind a bit of a roller coaster, it’s way more fun! We have so much coming up over the next weeks and months, we thought we’d better give you a heads-up. If you like what we stand for, we think you’ll love what we’re doing. And what do we stand for? Beautiful photography, beautifully presented. But it’s your opinion that matters, so click through to comment on our blog or Facebook. We’d love to To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Melissa Dangerfield | Leave a Comment

Our retail shopping cart is designed to help you sell your work anywhere, anytime. This upgrade makes it easier for your clients to purchase on small devices. In this upgrade we've simplified our mobile interface, introduced a simpler approach to the icons used, and updated our product images to ensure it's quick and easy to purchase products. “Quick views” and intuitive call-to-action buttons mean more purchases in the shopping cart cart, less in the “too-hard basket"… and more sales for you. Try out the mobile To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

Have you thought about running your own workshop? So many photographers do. It’s a great way to pass on your knowledge, build your reputation, and make a bit of money while you’re at it! But where to start? Julz Glover’s “The Workshop” is about the use of online imagery to get clients’ attention and turn them into paying customers. She focuses on food photography in particular, and on Instagram as a promotional tool. She offers both one-on-one and group coaching, but her latest course is online, and accessible to people across the globe. We spoke to To View More >>

This entry was posted in Loves not enough, by Victoria Hollings | Leave a Comment

We’ve just released the Queensberry Help Centre, a new resource where photographers can get answers 24/7 about things Queensberry and Workspace — everything from detailed product information to helpful video tutorials. Click here to check it out, or go to your Workspace Dashboard and click on Support. The Help Centre is a work in progress, and we’d love your feedback and suggestions for additional content. Over the next few weeks we’ll be reviewing all content for relevance, clarity and accuracy. For now the “other software” category remains To View More >>

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