

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Jennifer from Nova Photography recently changed over to a Workspace hosted site. We had a quick chat with her about the process and why she made the switch.  Tell us about yourself and what you do! I'm a Scot/Kiwi, having lived equally on both sides of the globe, I'm a wife and a mother as well as custom portrait photographer! I love to work with families and especially love pregnancy and newborn shoots. Nothing is more amazing to me than creating everlasting memories for my clients and providing them with timeless portraits to look back on and treasure forever! I am also moving in to birth photography To View More >>

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Supported by Canon, GM Photographics are bringing their successful wedding and portrait business seminar tour to New Zealand. Graham Munro and Lauren Bootland have already enjoyed a sell out tour across Australia and are now bringing their wisdom and experience to the land of the long white cloud. There are two different types of seminar available in each city: THE MASTERCLASS: Together, Graham and Lauren will host a full day seminar full of the fundamentals of what makes a business successful in these current economic times. Tips and motivation that are actually working in many businesses right To View More >>

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Are you showing people what you want them to buy? I'll bet you're not. This is important, and so simple... Why does the "business you" want to sell albums? Because they're a surefire way to create extra income from two scarce resources - your time and your wedding bookings. I just got off skype from a photographer complaining because she can't sell albums. Wants to … but can't. But look at her website, or almost any photographers' website, and how many albums do you see? Almost none. How many photographers are showing what they (want to) sell? Almost none. So what's the difference between them To View More >>

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Since our re-branding last year the front flyleaf of every Queensberry album has been embossed with the new Q-mark. Why's it there? It’s simple really: to sign our work with pride and to acknowledge the craftsmanship and detailing that goes into every album we build. We're doing the same thing that you do as a photographer when you sign your work. We're branding it. Let me explain in detail what we're doing and why, because our goal is to build a brand that will support you as our clients. § Branding is primarily about getting recognised - not a "camera" but a Leica, not a "wedding album" To View More >>

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Queensberry Workspace is ready for lift-off. If you're feeling adventurous, we'd love you to log in to, upload a few images and start playing. We're looking for friends to help us make this thing awesome! Book here for our brief launch seminars at WPPI. Check out our new Facebook page for Q&A, tips and advice. You are very welcome to use Workspace free for an unlimited time, but if you upgrade we have great introductory deals… SAVE 50% ON OUR ANNUAL PRO OR PRO+ PLANS, AND BE IN TO WIN FREE QUEENSBERRY ALBUMS FOR A YEAR. Conditions apply, so check out the fine print at the end of this email. To View More >>

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