

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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THANKS FOR THE AMAZING RESPONSE AND KIND COMMENTS, EVERYONE. THIS PROMOTION IS NOW CLOSED. The festive season is fast approaching and we're in the mood to spread a little cheer. So we're opening up our santa sack to give one of our beautiful Press Books to a lucky photographer this Christmas. Up to US$400 value, which will get you a beautiful book! How to enter: 1. It's as simple as leaving a comment on this post! 2. For a second entry, share a link to this giveaway on Facebook or Twitter. Leave a second comment with a link to your shout out. Maximum two entries per person. So what are you waiting To View More >>

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A big thank you to everyone who entered our Press Book giveaway! The response was huge, but there can be only one winner and we are happy to announce that... (drum roll please) CHRIS BAILEY PHOTOGRAPHY has won the $400 Press Book. Congratulations, Chris! BUT! We really loved reading your comments, and it's the festive season, so we want to give a little something to everyone who entered. So if you left a comment on our giveaway post before the cut off time, we'll give you 10% off your next Press Book order. Just quote CHRISTMASCHEER in the Comments box when you place your order in Workspace or To View More >>

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Looking through the design workshop yesterday I discovered a book I made nearly twenty years ago. It reminded me how grateful I am to one of my mentors, the bookbinder Michael O’Brien, a man of enormous talent, insight and good humour, and without a doubt the most eccentric person I’ve ever met. I met Michael in 1994, just before he moved his workshop from Auckland to the South Island. One of the books he was working on was for a European art collector, to mount his Picasso drawings. This was a revelatory experience for me. Do people like this exist? Do they pay thousands of dollars for books? To View More >>

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Why are some photographers more successful than others? In part it's their level of confidence. Or anxiety. Picture the anxious photographer preparing for a pre-wedding consult. Setting out coffee and cakes in the studio. Grateful someone got past the email stage. Anxious to finalise the booking … And not wanting to push their luck! They know the bride's looking for a cheap photographer and a cheap album … or a good photographer and a DVD! The most important thing to her is her BUDGET. The confident photographer starts by assuming the most important thing to the bride is her WEDDING. She sets To View More >>

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Many photographers include albums in their wedding packages but you'd never know it! On their websites they'll say they sell them - they may even say how much they cost - but they won't actually show what they look like. We strongly believe that to be successful you need to show people what you want them to buy. Sarah Vivienne from the UK is someone who does a great job of it. These photos are from her blog: On her blog Sarah photographs and discusses her albums with detailed product shots and insight into the design process. I recently spoke with her and this is what she had to say: "I find To View More >>

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