

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Many photographers include albums in their wedding packages but you'd never know it! On their websites they'll say they sell them - they may even say how much they cost - but they won't actually show what they look like. We strongly believe that to be successful you need to show people what you want them to buy. Sarah Vivienne from the UK is someone who does a great job of it. These photos are from her blog: On her blog Sarah photographs and discusses her albums with detailed product shots and insight into the design process. I recently spoke with her and this is what she had to say: "I find blogging albums so useful for sharing with potential and booked clients - it's like an extended portfolio really. "My clients will see new albums regularly featured on my blog all the way through their experience of working with me, from booking to ordering. It's a great resource for them to see so many different styles of album and cover options; something that isn't achievable with physical samples. "Many clients treat themselves to things like a more luxurious cover, mini copies or a bigger size after seeing something they like the look of in a blog post. I've even had 'digital only' clients email after a blog post has gone live to say they've loved it and want one! "The words that go alongside the photos are key too. My clients love to understand the rationale behind my album design and because of the blog posts can appreciate why some things work and others might not. So album designing has become much more of a collaboration and I'm so much happier with the end results this way." You can see examples of Sarah's blog posts here, here and here. We love the way Sarah shows our albums. What do you think about the notion of your blog as an extended portfolio? Do you show what you sell? - Amanda P.S We'd love you to send your clients to check out the product pages on our website too.
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