

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Thank you to everyone who took part in our Workspace survey and provided insightful comments - some of you went to a lot of trouble over your answers. The development team are only human, so they especially liked your answers to this question: What does Workspace do best? The answer: album proofing, integration with Photojunction, and the sheer number of services it provides in one location. People also liked the "look" of the site and our customer service. It's clear that many people tend to use just one or two of the features (eg album ordering or the shopping cart). If that sounds like you, here are some ways you can get to know the program better, so you can get more out of it: • Workspace articles in our KnowledgebaseJunction blog posts, with tips and tricks Workspace video tutorials • Our customer service team And there's always room for improvement, of course. We appreciate your suggestions as to how we can improve Workspace, and we're definitely not going to ignore what you had to say! In fact, if you haven't used Workspace for a few weeks you'll already notice a lot of changes. The most common suggestions for improvement were: • Improvements to template designs • More functionality in the shopping cart. • Social media sharing one image at a time (I blogged a way around this issue here). Thanks again, and if you'd like to make any further comments, please email me at - Amanda  
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