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Think of the best stuff you ever had. The best meal, the best coffee, the coolest shoes, the wittiest tee-shirt ... a fantastic book store, those amazing heirloom tomatoes. The people who provide you with amazing stuff are obsessive. Yes, they want to sell you something, but it's their obsession that drives them and makes them outstanding. There's a lot of obsessiveness in a beautiful album too, from the photography and design to the printing and binding. Every now and then we remind the obsessive people who work at Queensberry that our business is "not about the albums". Sometimes we remind photographers To View More >>
I am so proud of this from Ross Grieve (a UK-based Kiwi photographer) because it's Queensberry to the core. I'm sure Jo is too. When Ross's photos arrive we'll feature the album on our consumer blog. - Ian [caption id="attachment_7424" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Ross & his idea guru"][/caption] Last year our Queensberry Account Manager, Jo (or our idea guru as I like to call her), suggested we get a Duo sample to have something unique in the studio. Now the thing I like about Jo: she is not a sales person, she is someone who is there to help you and your business. With that in To View More >>
For a number of reasons, Tim Wild has been in contact with our support team probably more times than he'd care to remember. But he's always willing to spend time on the phone and help us get to the bottom of an issue ... and suggest improvements to the software in the process. 1) How does Photojunction support compare to other support services you've used? PJ support is one of the best support services I've ever used. Their replies are usually very quick, no matter what time of the day or night I contact them, and they usually have my query answered within an hour even if it requires several To View More >>
The New York Times caused a ruckus a couple of days ago with an article pointing out the negative impact on professional photographers of a number of trends: the decline of the print media and therefore print advertising; the rise of digital imaging, stock photography and photo sharing sites; the flow-on opportunities for pro-am enthusiasts who don't face the same commercial imperatives. Christian Oth runs an upscale Manhattan studio. Here's his response - Ed. The New York Times posted an article about how photography is on a shrinking path. It is an interesting assessment of the state of assignment To View More >>
In just a few days the Queensberry team will be heading off to the excitement and bedlam of WPPI and FOCUS. We love this opportunity to visit the States and the UK, meet old friends and make new ones ... and we hope you'll be among them. Queensberry is for people who believe that the way to succeed is to stand out from the crowd, not join it, and this year we have two new projects to talk to you about: 1. As you may know Apple chose Queensberry as one of "the world's finest bookmakers" to introduce their album design and ordering service in Aperture 3. Far from us to say why they chose us, so To View More >>
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