

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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For a while now we've been asking people to complete a questionnaire when they register on our site. It's optional, and not everybody does, but still the results are so striking I thought I might share some of the charts. It seems that the people checking us out are a little different to the typical "professional" … and that many people don't realise there's plenty to Queensberry beyond books and albums. 1. In the age of Mr Google we're proud that most people say they found us — not through search, or advertising — but through good To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Ian Baugh | Leave a Comment

In 5 years look over your album. Your child is heading off to school for the first time, but the album's pages are filled with your first moments with your son or daughter.  Look over the pile of prints from your trip to South America, where you spent two months volunteering at an orphanage. You’d never felt so free.  Look over the album of your wedding. You weren’t sure whether you wanted it but your photographer convinced you otherwise. There's the moment you said I do. Tell me then, that printing doesn’t matter, because I can guarantee you won't.  To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

"When you love something so much it's easy to become completely consumed by it." Tammie Pittwood was always the one with the camera at school. She had a thing for capturing moments, and from early on a passion for photography. But was equally as good at painting and decided to take a Fine Arts degree. She loved it but after graduating realised it wasn't for her. She loved the creative process of painting, and still misses it sometimes, but as a career it didn't inspire her as much.  Throughout university she photographed a few weddings for her friends, and so began her natural progression To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

Mention honeymoons and most people would think of relaxing — beach-side maybe, sun, sand and a whole lot of love. But adventurous newlyweds Ashley Davenport and his wife Helen had something different in mind. A trip to Nepal and a trek to Mount Everest Base Camp. When we wrote to Ashley after spotting their album he told us he and Helen aren’t exactly beach people. "I don’t like sand in my trunks," he said. "What can I say? I am easily bored." Even after running two marathons the week before, climbing to Base Camp was the hardest thing To View More >>

This entry was posted in , by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

If you want people to come looking for what’s desirable, not what’s cheapest, build your studio on high-end values. I recently visited an Audi dealership, not to buy a new car, but to learn how Audi sell their beautiful vehicles. Predictably I left desiring something I'd never considered before, and sold on Audi. My intention was to test drive the Audi Q5, but the salesperson suggested that the Q7 might be more comfortable for my height, so out in a Q7 we went. But not just any Q7, a Q7 Premium Plus with sport options! It was more amazing than I can describe … To View More >>