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December 12, 2009, 11:06 am
wow, I think he speaks for all photographers. Not necessarily every winter, but I think we all go through this period at some point and some of us pull out and continue photographing, but I know many, many that go on to leave the profession. Perhaps they flit from job to job, not ever finding themselves? How do we find our true meaning? I'm still looking too.

Craig Maunder
December 11, 2009, 7:57 am
Weird. I saw this around when it first came out. It touched a chord with me then and I hadn't even started to consider photography as a career. I had no clue who Zach Arias was and the references to "Cowart and Jarvis" washed right past me without even a blink. And yet, it still mattered. Even as a green, barely crawling baby of a photographer, it mattered. Coming back and looking at this now, I get all the references, I understand the irony of the opening sequence, but its almost less powerful. That's not because the video is any less important or because I now judge the message to be less important with some perspective, but because we hear the "step back and take a breath" message more and more these days. But Arias was one of the first to really talk about the elephant in the room, not pretend everything was fine and the fix was some more marketing/practice/gear/whatever... And for that, all photographers owe him a debt of gratitude.

December 12, 2009, 5:06 am
wow, I think he speaks for all photographers. Not necessarily every winter, but I think we all go through this period at some point and some of us pull out and continue photographing, but I know many, many that go on to leave the profession. Perhaps they flit from job to job, not ever finding themselves? How do we find our true meaning? I'm still looking too.