
This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.

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This one isn't aimed at the professional photographer in you, it's more about the big picture.
My grandmother passed away recently and I helped clean out her home. She was 98 and will be missed by us all, but as they say she had a good innings. I was asked by my mother to help, so there were myself and a few other relatives there helping.
I noted that the only time everyone stopped working was to look at photos they found. A fair chunk of them were of places and people that we didn't know, but on occasion someone would call out and everyone would come and have a look.
Every photo that was shared put a smile on people's faces.
Whenever I or my cousin would ask who they were in the photo, or where they were when it was taken, the stories would come out.
I will miss my grandmother like I do my other family members who have gone. They are now just memories, but those photos help light the spark to remember who they were.
I can show my kids and they can show theirs. Until those photos disappear they will always be remembered.
Cheers, Pete
P.S If you're reading this and it sounds melancholy, it isn't meant to be. Life is for celebrating, and if you can capture that in an image for future generations, then your job as the photographer has been worthwhile. Oh, and on occasion remember to be the one in front of the camera, as your face is just as important as the ones around you.

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