

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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As we announced back in February, we're in the process of streamlining the way Photojunction handles third-party vendors. As part of that process, we will tomorrow be removing the Cover Material, Cover Style, and Titles resources, as well as the largely unused “Send Order” functionality for all suppliers other than Queensberry. If you're using PJ to design Queensberry albums, or not using the functions listed above, you won't notice any difference. Only those designing for a handful of vendors are affected, and we understand that those most affected have been working through the transition with their clients. The vast majority of people use PJ primarily to design and export page layouts. Rest assured that we’ll still be supporting all page types (matted, digital etc) and you’ll be able to export your page layouts for uploading and printing as now. This process has taken longer than we expected, and we still have more to do in terms of how Photojunction works with third-party vendors, but we're working on it. Meantime, you can read more about the story behind these changes by following the links above, and please do contact if you have any problems or questions. Cheers, Ian
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September 26, 2011, 8:27 am
I use my PJ to order album as well and now what do we do with other suppliers? we can't order some of our albums?
Ian Baugh
October 6, 2011, 3:25 am
Sorry Toplina, just saw this - you can still create and export your page layouts, just upload your order using the supplier's own systems. - Cheers, Ian