

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Wow, last Friday we offered 200 sample books and albums discounted by 50% (instead of the normal 25%). Well, it blew the doors off the OP department. They had 200 acceptances and counting before the email had even finished sending! So first we need to say "thank you". Second, we can hardly say No to people who's email address starts with "Z", or who happened to be asleep in the "wrong" time zone, so if you've already contacted us we'll definitely do the deal for you. Just a few Buts (sorry!): - Don't forget they're for samples only, and (new policy, so pardon the repetition) marked "not for resale". - We must have your order by Monday 6 February, and confirmation and payment by Monday 13th. - Also, because we've had so many acceptances it may take us a bit longer than normal to deliver these albums. Once again, thanks heaps for your support. Cheers Ian PS Sorry, we can't extend the offer past the dates above, so do get in quick…
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Stephen Baugh
January 31, 2012, 12:04 pm
"blew the doors off the OP department" that's an understatement :-D