

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Improved image uploading is probably the biggest deal in this release of Queensberry Workspace, but have a play and judge for yourself. It’s free to try! Uploading Workspace now has six image uploaders for you to choose from – two web-based and four desktop uploaders. Pick one to suit your workflow. The upload window shows them all, including the links and instructions you'll need to use them. You can upload to existing events and collections or create new ones on the fly. One of the web uploaders is slower than the other, but more robust if your internet connection isn't the best. You can download a standalone desktop uploader, as well as plugins you can use with Lightroom, Aperture or Photojunction. Uploading from Photojunction means you can use all PJ's sorting, design and management tools. The standalone uploader is great if you're uploading large amounts of data. You can add multiple image sets to the queue, start uploading and get back to more important tasks. Like Photojunction, it also has auto-resume if the connection gets broken. By the way, the proxies and thumbs Workspace generates are now smaller, higher quality and with improved colour management. Website setup Under Settings, you'll find a lot more web page themes to choose from. We’re continuing to develop more themes, with different functionality built in. Our end goal is to avoid you needing to tweak the code unless you're making Workspace your only website, or wanting to integrate with your main website. You’ll find your client-side pages load much faster. Slideshows We've completely rebuilt the slideshows and they now work more consistently. Again there are lots of options to choose from. You can set defaults independently for viewing albums and image collections, and for your home page slideshow. You can also set up Facebook commenting on public and semi-private albums and collections. This works in slideshow view only, and you can moderate the comments if you wish. And again, you’ll find your slideshows load much faster. Shopping Cart You can now enable digital downloads of entire Collections instead of having clients select images one at a time. You can select the download size too. Placing orders for multiple images at once is coming, but not yet. Tweaks and fixes As usual, there are plenty of those, but probably the coolest is on the Collections window, where it’s now much easier to drag images into different Collections – because the Collection list now stays in view as you scroll through the images. There you go, enjoy yourself! Cheers, Ian
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