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1-27a The industrious PJ developers have certainly been busy. They've just posted another new beta that builds on the last release, v1.26. Put them together and we have a transformation. Ever since we first released Remix we've been asked to simplify and streamline the workflow, and we believe we've done that here. As you can see from the screen shot, album set-up has been transformed - reduced to a single screen that can gather up all the information an album vendor needs to make your album (click on the images to see them full-size). This particular screen shot is to order a Queensberry, but the options that PJ displays will vary depending on what your supplier offers. (On that point, notice the new "Design, Print and Assemble" service option.) At the top of the window you'll see new navigation buttons. They will step you through the entire process, from setting up the album, through cover and album design, to exporting the layouts and sending your order. Just work logically from left to right. Photojunction will alert you if it discovers a problem (like an out-of-date print layout) or something you haven't done yet (like design the cover). You can go back and make changes until you're ready to send the order. 1-27b The high-res export screen is also transformed. It's another single screen, to which we've added a file list and status reports (warnings). Look at the buttons below the list. You can now open and edit your page layouts in Photoshop without ever leaving Photojunction! But wait, there's more. Project set-up is also a single screen. Photojunction can now upload your orders via FTP (introduced in v1.26). The Collection Builder now let's you start from where you left off. And there are more bug fixes of course, including some issues from 1.26. You can read the release notes here. Please, enjoy! Cheers, Ian PS Nigel will be releasing two movies very shortly. PPS A reminder of the main new features in 1.26 – adding text to album layouts; importing PSDs as templates and images; proof sheets; replicating and rotating templates; manual image sort.
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Another new beta, v1.27 | Adobe Tutorials
July 16, 2009, 6:47 am
[...] The industrious PJ developers have certainly been busy. They’ve just posted another new beta that builds on the last release, v1.26 Read the original: Another new beta, v1.27 [...]
July 17, 2009, 11:03 am
The new Mac installers work WAY better, thanks guys
Darlene Hildebrandt
July 17, 2009, 11:02 am
brilliant, I love it!
July 18, 2009, 2:46 am
Sending a design order in PJ v1.27 | Queensberry Connects
July 21, 2009, 8:03 am
[...] = 'stephenbaugh'; If you’ve read our earlier posts about PJ Remix 1.27 here or on The Junction, or you’ve watched the new Remix 1.27 demo video, you’ll be aware some pretty [...]
July 23, 2009, 5:32 am
Thank you for your comments, we have replied via email for more information.
July 23, 2009, 2:05 am
I really like the newer interface. Much more streamlined. I have been having problems getting my pages with type to export with the type. Using a Mac Pro with latest OSX and CS4. Exporting 5x7 DIY single pages as JPG's. Even the PSD files come out with either missing type or with type in wrong place. After a few exports it seems to finally work.