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I got an email from Mark Miller today, and he's happy for me to share it and comment. I wanted to let you know how much I've been enjoying Queensberry Connects lately, specifically the posts about how QBY albums differentiate us as photographers from our competition and the idea that press-books are everywhere. I have a couple of comments/questions that I hope might add to the conversation: 1. QBY albums differentiate us as photographers - my clients love my (your) albums but they don't know who Queensberry are (I tell them all about you 'You're the best in the World' etc), but I don't think they really care too much about the album brand. In the last 3 or 4 years I've only ever been asked once by a prospect if I use Queensberry albums. So my question is, "Should Queensberry be doing more to promote the brand with Brides?" Please understand, I'm not saying you should, I just wondered how that idea fitted into the 'differentiation' concept. That's a great thought and I'm glad you raised it, but I think I'll pass... OK, three comments ;)
    1. Name recognition isn't vital, I guess. The key moment is when the prospect walks in, sees something awesome they've never seen before, and thinks, "Wow".
    2. Laphroaig, Hermes, Moleskine, Prada, Lexus, Apple, Mac (make-up) - I'm picking some of the brands Heather and I like - don’t just advertise to retailers, they advertise to us. To drive business to the retailers.
    3. But the thought of an album company promoting to "the brides" makes a lot of photographers nervous. I guess it's a (lack of) trust thing.
    More from Mark tomorrow Cheers, Ian
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    Nicola Inglis
    June 30, 2009, 7:30 am
    I have to say I agree with Mark, Queensberry would make it easier for me to sell them if there was more info out there about the brand. The thing is, I'm clearly biased when I tell them you're the best in the world. You are of course but it's a lot to ask a bride to take my word for it. If they were reading about you in the bridal magazines, seeing your gorgeous branding in other places, you'd be making my job so much easier. You have an opportunity to make a Queensberry album an integral part of their vision of their wedding. I would LOVE for you to do this!!!