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When a bride comes to you and says, "Can you make me look slimmer on my wedding day?" we say "Yes". We say "Yes… but we need to work on this together." Often the dream comes with an expectation. Anything that is not ideal will somehow miraculously correct itself on the day ... or at least we, as the recorders of the day, will create the truth that they, the happy couple, hoped for. So when the bride says, "I want to look thinner on my wedding day" we tell them they need to help us out. (Sometimes this is the not so subtle difference between our roles as dream keepers and miracle workers – Photoshop jockeys). We say to them that they need to "think thin" in the build up to their day. We say they need to have the right dressmaker making the right dress for them. We say that we will help them stand in ways that look great, but we never promise them that the magic of Photoshop will be the answer to their prayers. We want them to be a part of the process and make the effort to get it right. It certainly makes our job more realistic. Cheers Johannes
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August 14, 2010, 10:14 am
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by stephenbaugh, Queensberry. Queensberry said: New post, "Can you make me look slimmer?" - [...]