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Meet Chris MacKenzie. He's new to the industry. He's working hard to build his business. He's doing it in the tough UK market. And, he's just set up a promotion with an exclusive venue in his area. A real 'corker' to use his words.

"The first day I was there, I met the Executive Vice President at Pebble Beach Golf Resort. The next day I met a billionaire. On my third visit, I met an Australian couple who'd just returned from a luxury six week tour of Europe. They were so taken by my sample albums that the chap started asking about using Queensberry to display his holiday snaps."

Now some might say he was just lucky, but three new prospects and a potential album sale from three visits isn't bad going. And all for a little time spent networking. Networking isn't an art. Or should I say, shouldn't be an art. It's about being genuine. Most of us do it every day without even knowing, but being a little more organised certainly does help. Let's use Chris as an example... Big picture, his ultimate goal is to build his business and client list. He's identified who he wants on that client list, figured out where they hang out, and gone and hung out there too. Simple. Not some awe-inspiring marketing strategy, just a thoughtful approach to networking. Networking is one of your most powerful marketing tools, especially in a largely relationship-driven industry like this. You don't have to wait for people to walk through your door, or for your phone to ring. Put yourself about a little, get out there and start building relationships... You'll be investing in the long term health of your business. Promise. Was Chris lucky? Yeah, maybe. But I think he's creating his own luck. Cheers, Nigel PS Check out Chris's blog and you might see a pattern forming.
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Opportunities | Queensberry Connects
August 16, 2010, 12:17 pm
[...] stories and special memories here. Thanks for visiting.Nigel’s post about Chris MacKenzie creating his own luck reminded me the world is full of opportunities. The problem is to recognise them and take [...]
Tweets that mention Create your own luck | Queensberry Connects --
August 13, 2010, 3:45 am
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ian Baugh, Queensberry. Queensberry said: New post, "Create your own luck" - [...]