

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Yesterday, I had one of the cheesiest sales line I've heard in quite a while tried on me... "Nigel, how will you feel tomorrow if you don't buy it now." I didn't buy and I feel OK. But I did buy wedding photography recently. I'm not sure which one of Johannes' categories I fit best, you'll have to ask him. And Ian – who says that, as a man, I'm not interested in the detailed (girlie) stuff? I was. Maybe that makes me a 'Control Freak'? Here's my take on selling to a man... (including a metro-sexual one). 1) Don't try any cheesy sales lines on me... I'll think you're a douche. Have a conversation with me and don't touch me too much (push, prod or force me into anything). Be a normal person and I'll probably come to the decision you want on my own. 2) For the past 12 months I've been planning this wedding, and I'm a little over it. Connect with me on a different level. Please. It's not hard to figure out what I'm interested in and have a conversation with me about that. 3) Ian said we have egos. So true. I want to feel an important part of the photos and album too. I might not even know I want to be, until I'm asked. So ask. 4) Don't trivialize or brush off the cost of this thing. 5) Ask me what I like or love, don't tell me. All that stuff helps when it comes to the sale time, but here's the kicker I reckon... (for me anyway): 6) Make me feel like you care about my bride as much as I do. Make her the most important thing in the world, make her laugh, make her cry (the good kind), make her trust you... And I'll buy anything from you. Cheers, Nigel
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