

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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The new final of Photojunction will be out in a few days and it has a new feature that may affect you. First, to set the scene, our matted albums were designed to be constructed mainly of "standard" (single) sides, as opposed to panoramas. But lately we've noticed that one or two of our clients are designing with heaps of panoramas, more than the book can accommodate. This puts more thickness into the spine of the book than it's designed for, and so stresses it in various ways. For the last year or so our goal has been to make PJ smart enough to stop people from designing an album that we can't make – or that's compromised in some way (welcome to red Xs and the Problem Reporter!) and so we have introduced three more controls regarding panoramas in the latest version: 1. PJ won't let you add more than 30% panoramas to an album. 2. It won't allow a panorama unless there actually is an image across the spine of the album. 3. It won't allow an image across the spine unless there's an least an inch of it on each side (this last because a sliver of image on one side might look OK on the screen, but it looks pretty bad in the actual album). Team PJ are sensitive enough about these "Nanny features" that Danny's doing a blog post on The Junction right now about them! But they head off a lot of problems. Cheers, Ian PS If you don't use betas there are heaps of new features in the new final. Take a look at the release notes for the last few betas (1.38 and 1.39) and you'll see what I mean!
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Tweets that mention Panoramas | Queensberry Connects --
May 26, 2010, 10:32 am
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Nigel Hicks, Queensberry. Queensberry said: New post, "Panoramas" - [...]
Photojunction Final 1.40: Upload order | Queensberry Connects
June 4, 2010, 8:02 am
[...] – We’ve put in place several ‘controls’ regarding Panoramas. Ian blogged about these a few days ago so we’d encourage you to have a read of his post. It outlines the changes that [...]
Final v1.40 | The Junction
June 8, 2010, 8:03 am
[...] We’ve blogged about them already on Queensberry Connects – a few controls about the use of Panoramas in matted albums and some changes to the QBY Upload Order [...]