
This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.

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From v1.46 onwards, Photojunction will automatically install Queensberry's colour profiles for both our silver halide Lab and our digital-offset press books.
To use them you just need to add them to your soft-proofing set-up (in Photoshop, it's at View / Proof Setup – and if you're unclear about it, the process is described in our knowledge base):
However, this new system wasn't available before Photojunction version 1.46.
That means, if you've designed and exported a Press Book using v1.45 recently, but not sent it yet, we suggest you re-export the album using v1.46 before hitting the send button.
Don't stress too much about this. We'll be double checking incoming press book orders for a while looking for problems.
If you have any questions, please email us.
Cheers, Nigel