

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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You've probably got it that I'm a Seth Godin fanboy. Every day I get my daily dose of something to think about. Posting about the digital revolution in our industry reminded me of this quote. It's from a very long post about the music industry, but it'll bounce ideas round your head: "The new thing is never as good as the old thing, at least right now. "Soon, the new thing will be better than the old thing will be. But if you wait until then, it’s going to be too late.  Feel free to wax nostalgic about the old thing, but don’t fool yourself into believing it’s going to be here forever. It won’t." Some examples:

The guys who used to typeset, lay up and make the plates for a newsletter I published in the '80s. They  sneered when I bought an Apple Mac and Pagemaker, and what I could do with them was pretty pathetic, but they're the ones long gone.

A few years ago we spent a small fortune on scanning equipment for the lab. Now it's almost idle.

Or here's Seth again on how the telephone destroyed the telegraph.

    Cheers, Ian
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