
This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.

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As I am sure you've seen, the Photojunction welcome screen got a bit of a makeover recently. I thought it might be worth a few minutes of your time to review it.
The News tab has been added and if you are like many users, you might just quickly flip to the Recents tab and ignore it. But expect the content to change regularly, and take a minute every now and then to check out the links. The content will help you learn a bit about the websites and connecting with the Queensberry and Photojunction teams.
Next, we have the Recent tab. Based on conversations with many Photojunction users, this is everyone's favorite tab. It used to be the default. The Recent tab lists your most recently opened projects, with the last one you opened shown first.
The third tab is Browse. This tab is very useful for those photographers and designers who are dealing with more than 10 clients or projects at a time. This will give you the breakdown of your clients and projects in a column view. This tab deserves it's own post, so more on that later. Just know that if you are looking for a project and it isn't in your Recent tab... you can find it in the Browse.
Last is the Uploads tab. This tab is for Queensberry users, where you can see all of your order bundles created in Photojunction. It lists all of them by default, but you can break it down by when the order was created, or what the status is. By default the Uploads tab will list ALL your order history. I know this can be a bit overwhelming, but filtering the list as I've just described will help. We give you the option to delete items from this tab, but we do suggest that you DON'T. My personal advice... at least wait until you have the album in hand and know it is 100% perfect.
Cheers, Angelique.

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