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Even though I tend to ignore MS Word's spelling and grammar checker, I do try really hard to avoid making mistakes. But if I slip up the world doesn't end, and I sleep easy.
I don't think it's such a good idea to ignore Nana PJ though, because she's trying to ensure I get a first class album back ... and ordering a second-rate album can be annoying, slow and really expensive. A bit like a cringe-inducing spelling mistake in your new print job.
Here's Nana PJ on the job (click on the images to view them full size) ...
1. I've edited this page since exporting, so my page layouts are out of date (red warning, lower right)...
2. I haven't designed my cover (this warning popped up when I clicked Send Order)...
3. And my favourite: the red cross between apertures says they're too close together, so my album company won't be able to cut the mat...
Nana PJ's got a bit bossy of late, and has asked album vendors if she can stop me sending my order if I'm naughty. 'Cos she knows I'll be sorry. At least she doesn't pester me about wearing a vest.
Cheers, Ian