

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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How much is an experience worth? (Contains a movie plot spoiler...) If I said to you, "Yeah, in the end the shark gets it," would you still go to the Jaws movie? I could tell you there was blood, pretty girls, lots of really stupid people in boats and a very big angry shark. It could never match the experience, just spoil it. What is that experience worth? Apparently it was worth $260,000,000 in the US alone. If you give your clients a good experience, what is it worth? What is it worth when they tell their friends? I can't tell you enough how valuable the experience of you is to the Bride and Groom. It's worth investing in. So how much would they pay for this experience with you? (complete with obviously mechanical monster shark – it's getting late, my apologies). Imagine if you said, "I want you to pay me what you think I'm worth." Most photographers, it would seem, would imagine themselves out of business. It becomes increasingly obvious that we need to tell our clients what we are really worth, and we need to make ourselves valuable. If the experience is, Some photographer turned up and took our wedding pictures and left us with a disc of images... it is worth much less than, Our photographer turned up, we had a great time, we laughed, we cried, and we didn't want it to end. So how much is an experience worth? If you ask Apple they would say, "It's worth everything." They invest heavily in making sure that the user experience is the best that it could possibly be. People pay a premium for it. If you ask Universal Pictures they would say $260,000,000. So then the answer is that the experience is worth a lot – to both the client and the photographer. Cheers, Johannes
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