

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Andrew Gardner posted a thoughtful comment on a recent post of mine in which I talked about a member of the public asking if I would sell her a Queensberry album. He's concerned that Queensberry's aim to build their brand amongst brides might turn the albums into a commodity and encourage discounting (eg "click here for cheapest QBY albums!") His thoughts probably reflect the concerns of many photographers. He says, Obviously we can't be complacent and we should always be thinking of unique and original ways to make ourselves stand out. But I have a niggling feeling that what Queensberry thought To View More >>

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Rex is a regular coffee drinker and if ever you were to meet him you would instantly know that he was a straight up kind of guy. Rex keeps a quiet eye on our town. He rises early and walks the hills around Lyttelton. Rex knows stuff. People share with him because they know that he is that straight up kind of guy. He can be trusted. Our town also has its share of Astral travelers, bad eggs, party radicals, poets and pop stars. There is a lot of spirit here ... all under the quiet and watchful eye of Rex. James and Co at the Lyttelton Coffee Company make the coffees that keep these spirits on form. To View More >>

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If you’re still using Photojunction Retro, an updated set of album resources has been released to reflect Queensberry’s new season range. These include new album formats and cover materials, and updated personalised title and cover options. You’ll need to download these resources so you can order the new products – and also to ensure that the orders you send us are accurate, complete and comply with our requirements. If you haven't done so already, now may be the time to upgrade to PJ Remix. Then you won’t have to worry about updating your resources as Remix does it automatically (provided To View More >>

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It's a fiddly job assembling an album, but our assembly team can save you the time and hassle. They assemble thousands and thousands each year - so they're pretty good at it! And the pay-off is another 2-3 hours saved per job that you can put to better use. Just think ... all of our systems are integrated - design, colour correction, printing, album construction, and assembly. Hit the Send Order button in Photojunction and apart from the small matter of paying, that's pretty much it until the album arrives back ready for your client. And of course if necessary we'll contact you to make sure everything To View More >>

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We asked one of our print consultants about their commitment to sustainability a few days ago, and they were rather puzzled by the question. "But of course," they said. "It goes without saying doesn't it?  Sustainable plantation paper ... ECF processing ... vegetable-based inks. We don't beat the drum about it, that's just the way it is these days." We feel the same way, but we're regularly asked the same question, so here's Queensberry's philosophy on the environment and sustainability... Humanity's biggest impact on the environment is generally from our daily practices. That coffee is gone To View More >>

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