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All software evolves as new features are added and new versions released. Photojunction and Photoshop are no exception, and, as PJ takes advantage of more, often newer, features of Photoshop, its "backwards compatibility" with older versions is lessened. That's why we recommend that you use Photoshop CS3 or later with Photojunction. If you use CS2 or even earlier, chances are that it will work fine, but you may occasionally find that some PSD files don't import correctly as images or templates, or that you get error messages when exporting with PS scripting. If that happens, all Support can do To View More >>
Here's my second handy hint about file management. Don't muck about with your hi res files outside Photojunction after they've been imported. The key words there are outside Photojunction. If you want to keep the software smiling, they're important. It means you need to think about when and how you copy image files, and when you are going to do your artwork. Here are three alternative scenarios, which all keep PJ happy if used properly: 1. Do art work on your images before importing them. This is so you can import one set of finished files without lots of extra images, sub-folders etc to confuse To View More >>

Four years in, and Suzanne Black could teach a lot of people a lot of things…especially about marketing and surviving when times get tough. I had a chat with her about what she thinks are the keys to success, how she turns 90% of her enquiries into bookings and why albums are so important to her business. Positivity is contagious. Suzanne is feeling positive right now. I haven't heard that response to a question about the state of the economy in a long time, but after chatting I've decided describing her as "positive" is an understatement... She says, “In the current climate I think it's more To View More >>
Team PJ made some some pretty significant changes in the lead-up to the release of the latest final version, v1.31. Changes focused on simplifying and streamlining your workflow. Coinciding with that we asked them to create a new "service" – Design, Print and Assemble – to make the process of placing a design order and uploading all the files as simple as possible. ;) Really, it's very simple. Have a look at this video, and tell me if I'm wrong. Design service from Photojunction on Vimeo. As always, we'd love to hear what you think. Leave a comment and tell us... Cheers, Nigel PS Click here To View More >>

We've now released v1.49 to fix a few minor issues in 1.48, but everything in this post is still current - Ed. In case you haven't noticed, we kiwis are very modest ;) Which is why I like announcing stuff that I didn't have much to do with, but I feel really good about, because I can sing its praises without feeling bad about myself! Anyway… The dev team have been busy busy today pushing out a new final release, and I think it's a really good one. They've put a lot of time and effort into refining features first released in v1.47, especially for Queensberry Press Books, but there's some juicy To View More >>
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