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When Kayla and I were planning our wedding we decided... We'd rather pay someone to design and assemble our invites than do it ourselves. We'd rather pay our photographer a travel fee and have him sort out his own travel. We'd rather pay a wedding co-ordinator to run things on the day. That's us shifting the responsibility ... taking the easy route ... spending more than necessary. Whatever. But during that period, our time was worth more. Managing the process as opposed to doing it ourselves left us with plenty more time for the things we really wanted, or needed, to focus on. How valuable is To View More >>

We're describing the perfect way to send us your print-and-bind order... After exporting your files you definitely shouldn't jump straight to LabFTP and send us the files - we wouldn't know what to do with them! Instead, always use the Remix Order Wizard. (You'll find it under the Album menu). Remix will validate your order and create an order "bundle" that contains everything we'll need to process your order - provided you follow these instructions: 1. Run your order through the Send Order Wizard. You'll find a tutorial here. The Wizard will ask what service you want (eg Print & Assemble) To View More >>

What if you want us to print your cover image, but nothing else? 1. When you fire up the Remix Order Wizard , choose either the "Assemble From Prints Supplied" or Don't Assemble" option. 2. On the same screen the Wizard will offer a place to include "support files" for your album supplier. Open your folder of High-Res Export files and drag in a copy of the cover image (don't double up by sending it to your lab to print as well). 3. Remix may ask you if you want us to print the cover image (generally it'll be obvious what you want, in which case Remix won't ask). Be sure to say Yes. 4. When the To View More >>

When your first ever album order catches Queensberry’s eye you’ve got to be pretty pleased with yourself. Especially when you designed it in a program you’ve never used before. Keryn Sweeney of Keryn Maree Photographer recently opened her studio in Auckland, New Zealand, and shot and designed this little gem as a studio sample for the beauty side of her business - an area she’s had plenty of experience in. Keryn recognises the benefits of offering her clients albums, but although she'd come from a well-established beauty and glamour studio she'd never used them before. When it came to To View More >>

Time and time again we see albums pass through our Bindery in which the photographer has reflected the stylistic theme of the wedding in the book itself. Last week we featured an album with an autumnal harvest theme. This album uses our Pagemount page system to very different effect. What caught our eye in Scott and Priscilla’s case was the stylish simplicity of their red and white theme, and how well Matt and Enna of Grazier Photography had captured and reflected the details in a stunning album. The red highlights around the prints are created by trimming them to reveal the red page behind To View More >>
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