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This impeccably shot and designed album nearly got away from us. We didn't photograph it before we shipped it, and we were too late contacting the studio before they sent it to their clients! But it's too beautiful not to show you as much as we can, which fortunately includes a slide show of the album. We love its natural, restrained good taste – professional wedding photography at its best, and typical of the consistently good work Geoff White sends us. Liz and Adam choose Meadowood, St. Helena, in California's wine country as the location for their destination wedding on May 19th last year. To View More >>

Nicky and Richard Barrett are world famous Dressage riders who were keen to document their lifestyle with a photography album they could keep forever. They were recommended to contact Hampshire (UK) photographer Emily Hancock, who is known for her original equestrian imagery of horses and their owners. Emily spent four separate days over six months with Nicky, Richard and their son Milo. She photographed Nicky riding, competing and with her family in a lifestyle shoot with their horses. The first day was in the summer of 2007 and the final day just 10 days before Christmas. The end result was To View More >>

It’s no wonder Luke and Chantal’s wedding album caught our attention. For starters, there were three albums, not one, and the first two featured the most amazing celebrations at a fabulous location. We certainly did “wish we were there”. Luke and Chantal were married in April 2007 in Mauritius, East Africa. Chantal had wanted to have her wedding at The One and Only, Mauritius since she was a little girl and spent time there with her family. The festivities lasted five days and included a welcoming cocktail hour, beach Olympics, a salsa party (featuring Emilio Estevez and his salsa dancers) To View More >>

Now that so many of our albums are printed and assembled right here, our staff love checking them out as they pass through the assembly process. One that made waves all the way down the line was Dilip and Anchel’s wedding in Toronto, Canada, photographed by Manpreet Sokhi of Mansa Photography. Anchel Ghai and Dilip Krishna were engaged in August, 2006 and married on May 5, 2007. The couple were married in a traditional South Indian Hindu wedding as per the groom’s family's traditions. Six hundred guests enjoyed the festivities, which lasted over a week. The couple expressed how important the To View More >>

Like many good things, and all great albums, Musée begins with a story. In fact it begins with three stories, and the real magic is how they weave together... The first begins several years ago with a traveller on a bus in Spain, who strikes up a conversation with the woman sitting next to him. They like each other enough to introduce themselves. He's a wedding photographer from the far side of the world, in Spain on a scholarship. She's a paper conservator living in England, home to visit her family in Barcelona - and as it turns out, later, in love. The photographer and the conservator To View More >>
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