

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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This will be our third release in three months - notice a trend? The last two were betas adding the new features you've wanted and now this final builds on them to give a stable platform to start 2010.  So to jog your memory here are a few of our favourites... Photojunction 1.32b (release notes) Alignment got some serious attention (accuracy, stickiness, and clarity) Centering got smart (wings, flips, and panoramic) "Undo" got a speed boost ('nuf said) Photojunction 1.33b (release notes) Start window got a makeover (uploads, blog, store and more) Instant Slideshow got resurrected from Retro To View More >>

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We've been off-line since the weekend – nearing the end of a fraught server upgrade! We apologise for the lack of communication. One of the consequences is that we haven't been able to read your mail in support suite - it's there but we can't access it - but at least there are still flesh and blood people working on your albums, and we'll email everyone as soon as we're up and running again. Shouldn't be long. To View More >>

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Johannes is half way through his MPA-sponsored tour of the UK. Coventry and Croydon are behind us and we're sitting in the BA lounge on the way to Falkirk with Staveley (sponsored by CPT) to come next week. He's had some very generous feedback, and well deserved I reckon. The estimable Simon Whitten called it "genuine, exceptional and inspiring" on DWF and a number of people have emailed Johannes directly. Quite apart from his photographic and design skills what always strikes me with Johannes is how genuine he is in getting to know his clients, so that he can apply his talents to their specific To View More >>

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This post has been superseded by new Photojunction functionality. PJ Remix's Order Wizard saves "Bundles" (folders) of files to your hard disk ready for you to upload them to your album supplier and/or lab. But Remix itself doesn't do the upload. Queensberry does that with LabFTP. Somethimes confusion arises around two points: 1. Occasionally users think they're done once they've run through the Order Wizard. Not so. All you've done is email us to expect an order. You still need to upload the files. 2. Occasionally a photographer will open the bundle, take out what (s)he thinks we need and uploaded To View More >>

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