

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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[caption id="attachment_7717" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Click to view image full-size"][/caption] It's been said that the first rule of online social media is, Invest your time, not your money. Which is why it's so hard to do. Let's face it – who has the time? So how about a marketing opportunity that requires just a button-click? We've just snuck (if that's a word) a new feature into Queensberry's Photojunction Resources, and judging by the emails already coming in it's going to be a popular idea. If we're printing and assembling your album, you'll see a question asking if you'd To View More >>

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Here's a quick, real-life story about Photojunction's auto-save templates feature. Last week we got a slightly panicked call from a PJ user who'd lost her entire album design. Frustrating. Support treats calls like this as detective stories, and they're really good at solving them. But what happened is less important than what to do about it. She thought she'd need to totally re-design her album, but we introduced her to Photojunction's auto-save templates feature. During the design of every album you do, Photojunction auto-saves templates of your design. It's not an option you can turn on and To View More >>

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Angelique Buckley and her boss Mike Kehr of mk Photography have earned the respect of Photojunction developers over the years for their eagerness to share insight, suggestions, advice and encouragement about beta versions of Photojunction. 1) Why do you and Mike have such an interest in the development of Photojunction Remix? Angelique: "We are design junkies in the studio. Combine that with everyone's love of technology and it is inevitable. I am a fixer and can't stand things that aren't JUST RIGHT. When I first tried Remix, it was clear that it was better than the original Photojunction for To View More >>

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We met Jeff Youngren and his wife Erin (The Youngrens) a couple of years ago at WPPI and they've been on board with PJ ever since. Danny's received numbers of calls from Jeff about ideas for new Photojunction features, and it was one of those that is partly to thank for the new integration of albumexposure with Photojunction. 1) How do you like the albumexposure online album proofing feature? Why should others try it out? "To me, the Albumexposure/PJ integration is a game changer in the industry - never before has something so common been integrated so well into the whole design process. I'm blown To View More >>

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I am so proud of this from Ross Grieve (a UK-based Kiwi photographer) because it's Queensberry to the core. I'm sure Jo is too. When Ross's photos arrive we'll feature the album on our consumer blog. - Ian [caption id="attachment_7424" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Ross & his idea guru"][/caption] Last year our Queensberry Account Manager, Jo (or our idea guru as I like to call her), suggested we get a Duo sample to have something unique in the studio. Now the thing I like about Jo: she is not a sales person, she is someone who is there to help you and your business. With that in To View More >>

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