

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Since launching the new Queensberry Print website, we’ve had quite a few compliments on the illustrations in the homepage slideshow. So we thought we’d share a bit about Toril Bækmark, the illustrator we worked with to create these beautiful images. Craft, artisanship and attention to detail are close to our hearts, and we believe our lab team are true artisans in an industry where those qualities are fast disappearing. We wanted to express this on the new site, and finding an illustrator aligned with those values was very important. Toril's portfolio shows her high level of To View More >>

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As I have just recently gotten married - yay! - I thought I’d write a bit about planning a wedding - a nice, decent, enjoyable wedding - on a budget. Photograph by Alexander Wallace For a little background, my husband Kurt is Dutch. Now the Dutch are said to be like the Scots - just with all the generosity squeezed out of them. And I myself am very cautious when it comes to money - but at the same time I’m a designer and I love beautiful things. I came across this fantastic blog The Broke-Ass Bride which is full of great ideas on how to save money without compromising too much on the overall To View More >>

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Just a few weeks ago, I received something that was a long time coming. My very own Queensberry Album! Now you can imagine why it took me just over a year to actually get it designed and ordered  - I'm a Queensberry designer - which is another way of saying that I'm a perfectionist. And when it came to my own album... it had to be doubly perfect! During the design process, I naively tried to involve Kurt with the decisions about which images to use and what size album to go for. This resulted in a few 'I don't know, just do what you want' type grunts, that weren't particularly helpful. However, To View More >>

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Let me tell you a story about why we're in the album business, why we believe in brand building, and why you should too. Don't tell anyone but you're looking at two early Queensberries from the days when albums weren't everything we do. It may look a bit tired but the old wallet on top has excellent provenance, as they say. In 1990 Stephen brought his new fiancée home from Brisbane to meet his family in New Zealand. He gave her the Queensberry tour, saw the wallet and asked could he have it? Heather gave it to him. (I hope she gave Sonya something too!) Years passed. We stopped making wallets. To View More >>

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Nigel and I heard about My Portland Photographer through our friend Randy Kepple. What a great idea, well executed: "A collaborative blog by Portland's finest wedding photographers". On the home page a charming image and post by Craig Mitchelldyer caught my eye. I followed a couple of links back to see if photographers were linking back to the blog from their own websites, but apparently no. I wonder why. You'd win some and lose some, but if you built the google juice together, wouldn't you win more than you lose? Don't know, just wondering. Love it anyway. Cheers, Ian To View More >>

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