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Hi all What an awesome privilege it's been to work with Queensberry to develop their Plug-in for Aperture 3! As a true blue Apple fanboy it's been a really exciting project to work on. When Apple came knocking we jumped at a chance to partner with them, but we've since had a few clients ask questions like: - What's the difference between Aperture 3 and Photojunction? - Why would you create a plug-in for Aperture when you already make Photojunction? ...And my personal favourite: - Does this mean Photojunction is dead!? We think your decision will ultimately be based on personal preference and To View More >>

Sometimes we have trouble persuading people that Photojunction displays images in overlay albums exactly as they will appear in the album. They think what you see on screen includes the area of the print that will get lost under the mat. That may be because other programs "grey out" the area that will be hidden (we do the same with photo front covers, but nowhere else). Photojunction hides it completely because we want to show you what the album will look like - no distractions! Anyway what you on screen is exactly what you'll see in the album. Take a look at the image panel of the tools window. To View More >>

With the release yesterday of the latest version of Aperture, Apple's powerful photo editing and management software, we are delighted to announce Queensberry's new plug-in and album collection for Aperture 3. Please register for one of our free webinars (tomorrow or next week). Queensberry's plug-in for Aperture allows professional photographers to design and order a selection of our albums directly within Aperture 3. Timeless simplicity The watchword for the Queensberry album collection for Aperture is 'timeless simplicity' - simple designs to create confident, timeless classics and project To View More >>

A good question about templates came up in one of our recent webinars and we want to cover it for everyone... If you drag and drop an album template onto a different sized layout, Photojunction (normally) treats the apertures as a 'Group' and scales them down (or up) to fit them into the layout. That means a 7x5 aperture on a 12x12 template (for example) would be scaled to an irregular size if you dropped it onto a 14x10 layout, and could require some adjustment. Here's a little catch. Because Photojunction drops apertures onto a new layout as a 'Group', you'll need to first 'Ungroup' them before To View More >>

We only mention this because some PJ users find it confusing. If you've never worried about it, read this post by all means ... but then forget we ever brought it up! Why does Photojunction talk about images and apertures? Because they're not the same. In a matted album the aperture is the hole the image peeks through. Here's what else you need to know. If you think about it, image and aperture sizes are related. In standard overlay albums the image needs to be larger than the hole. On the other hand, in Queensberry's Pagemount albums the hole is larger than the image, which is trimmed to reveal To View More >>
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