

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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So there you are, looking through the expensive bit of glass on the front of your camera at two people you hardly know, thinking how do I make them look good? Is it a trick with the light? Is it a 'looking good' filter under the Artistic Filter menu in Photoshop? Is it making them really, really small in the image so you can't tell anyway, but man oh man that scenery is spectacular? Is it that they paid you SOOO much that they believe they will look good regardless of what you do, a bit like the 'Emperor's new photographer'? Is it that the photograph itself looks good, so by association/participation To View More >>

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The Junction has been a bit quiet lately so I thought I would talk to you about what the developers have been brewing. I have a lot of fruit trees at my place but two of my favorites are a Peachcot and a Peacharine. These are cross pollinations between a peach and an apricot and a peach and a nectarine. Individually beautiful to eat, but when you blend the two together you get something special. The guys at Queensberry and Photojunction have been doing a bit of cross pollinating of their own. Press albums are the new kid on the block for us. Taking two products, both beautiful in their own right, To View More >>

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Mac OSX Lion is exciting new software, but before you install it there are a few things to think about: 1. You'll lose access to all your old PowerPC applications. It's been six years since Apple transitioned to Intel processors, and with the introduction of OSX Lion you will no longer be able to run PowerPC based software. Rosetta kept the old software running pretty smoothly, so you could be in for a few surprises. For starters I had to upgrade Microsoft Office. Never thought of that! 2. Closer to home, you will no longer be able to run Photojunction Retro (yes, there are still a handful of To View More >>

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Queensberry's colour correctors are passionate about their work and achieving a result that pleases you, but even if you're not using their services the way they approach the job is worth thinking about. When they get an order, the first thing our colour correctors do is open up all the layouts to get a 'feel' for the overall colour of the album. Their goal is to optimise key elements like flesh tones or a bride's dress, and to achieve a consistent, natural look across page layouts and the entire album. Often we see albums where individual images have been tweaked without thought for how they To View More >>

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As our colour correction policy outlines, when you order Full Colour Service we colour-correct your images so as to optimise natural skin-tones and achieve consistency across all the images in the album. However, if you run Photoshop actions or add special effects/tones to your images and the desired effect differs from these guidelines, we'd ask that you leave a quick note on your order to let us know, so we don't undo the work you've done on them. It's easy to leave notes in Photojunction: - Add notes to specific apertures by right-clicking on an image and selecting the 'Add/Edit Aperture To View More >>

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