

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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This is a long post, so I’m starting with the short story! Some people are upset about the terms of trade for our new web-based lab service, Queensberry Print. We want to clarify that, yes, Queensberry Print products are available to both professional photographers and end-consumers. Certainly, “consumer” means “everyone”, but in reality we believe these products will only be of real interest to professionals, serious amateur photographers, and people who received digital files from a professional and who really care how their photos are printed. Our existing range To View More >>

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In many labs these days the only people who look at your prints are the Dispatch team. Strange as it seems, that makes sense – it's your files they’re printing, and something has to give if you want low prices. But it doesn’t make sense at Queensberry. We critique everything we print, including Print-Ready. The difference is we see the image files with Full Colour Service (because it’s our job to colour correct them) whereas we don’t see Print-Ready work until it’s printed . But why review Print-Ready work at all? Print-Ready means you edit your images yourself, and we don’t modify To View More >>

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OK we're celeb junkies here, just like the rest of the world. We love it when we see famous people in our albums as they're being made, especially when they're Kiwis. Today we had a double treat as we despatched two beautiful sets of albums to Auckland photographer and Queensberry client, Emma Bass. I wanted to tell you all about them, but Ian won't let me. He reckons what's sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose, too, and it's true that, because we have a confidentiality policy, he's missed seeing some very exciting albums. So all I can say is that both weddings were absolutely stunning, To View More >>

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Since you're reading The Junction, you're probably pretty much up with the play on Photojunction, and this post won't apply to you. Here goes anyway. Maybe you can pass it on to a friend who needs it! Believe it or not there are still people out there using Photojunction Retro. If you don't know what Retro is, it's a very cool program that was state of the art five years ago, when it was replaced by Remix. All I can say is let it go. Just like Don Johnson's stubble and no socks policy in Miami Vice, it's had its day. The kindest thing you can do is put it down. Seriously, if you want up to date To View More >>

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Wow, last Friday we offered 200 sample books and albums discounted by 50% (instead of the normal 25%). Well, it blew the doors off the OP department. They had 200 acceptances and counting before the email had even finished sending! So first we need to say "thank you". Second, we can hardly say No to people who's email address starts with "Z", or who happened to be asleep in the "wrong" time zone, so if you've already contacted us we'll definitely do the deal for you. Just a few Buts (sorry!): - Don't forget they're for samples only, and (new policy, so pardon the repetition) marked "not for resale". To View More >>

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