

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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You, the photographer, are entrusted with telling the story of a couple's day ... not any old day ... it's the BIG one. [caption id="attachment_8319" align="alignleft" width="333" caption="The bride and groom"][/caption] They want it told with beauty and creativity. They chose you because they saw your work and figured that you would be the best person to tell their story. Or was it that they fell in love with your prices, and assumed that all photographers were equal (except for pricing)? Ultimately we are telling a story ... we need to know whether we are the authors or the observers, and apply To View More >>

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I've gathered enough gongs now to qualify for an opinion on album design. Last week I was a judge for the Australian Professional Photography Awards at PMA in Melbourne. This was an honour I shared with the lovely Jo Grams, Jerry Ghionis, Jackie Chan, Yervant and other luminaries. Several things became apparent: 1) Some authors treated the album as a set of individual prints, mixing black and whites with colours, verticals with horizontals, with blatant disregard for the influence of those images on each other. 2) Some authors were hypnotised by the ability to apply a filter to create a look ... To View More >>

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Like many good things, and all great albums, Musée begins with a story. In fact it begins with three stories, and the real magic is how they weave together... The first begins several years ago with a traveller on a bus in Spain, who strikes up a conversation with the woman sitting next to him. They like each other enough to introduce themselves. He's a wedding photographer from the far side of the world, in Spain on a scholarship. She's a paper conservator living in England, home to visit her family in Barcelona - and as it turns out, later, in love. The photographer and the conservator To View More >>

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[caption id="attachment_7717" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Click to view image full-size"][/caption] It's been said that the first rule of online social media is, Invest your time, not your money. Which is why it's so hard to do. Let's face it – who has the time? So how about a marketing opportunity that requires just a button-click? We've just snuck (if that's a word) a new feature into Queensberry's Photojunction Resources, and judging by the emails already coming in it's going to be a popular idea. If we're printing and assembling your album, you'll see a question asking if you'd To View More >>

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I recently held a small workshop in the UK at the studio of Zoe Richards just out of Liverpool. It was intimate (there were only nine of us). We discussed album design and particularly spoke about the Musée. One of the ideas of that album is to create a feeling of intimacy. The resounding lesson from our discussion was about that and simplicity. Too often people cram images into albums to the point where there is no room to rest your eyes. The Musée design uses space to reinforce the luxury and quality feel of the product. There is something exciting about an intimate moment in a cupboard but To View More >>

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