

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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If you follow our main Queensberry blog, you might have seen that I recently designed and ordered my own Queensberry album. (View the blog post here). Well, Stephen wandered in a while ago and saw me looking at what he assumed was my album, and asked how I liked it. "It's crap," I said. "I don't even like looking at it." He went really pale! What he didn't know is that Heather had suggested I use the exact same image files to create an album with another well known supplier. I'm not naming names, but wow - the differences are astounding. I understand that you get what you pay for, and that our To View More >>

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Three things I try not to do: write about our competitors, jump to their defence, and risk offending people who could be our customers; but today I’m going to do all three. I want to write about the huge outpouring against Smugmug over their price increase – and suggest a few things you should think about before you jump ship, if you’re with them. I must admit I find these outbursts upsetting, no matter the justification. When I started to use the Net back in the 90s, it was all about support, helping each other and respect. In the world I want to live in, you respect the businesses that To View More >>

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This post isn't a judgment on the underprivileged, or a suggestion that we all move into gated communities. It is about how to succeed. Who you surround yourself with, according to psychologists, affects how successful you’ll be. The same’s true for who you emulate or seek advice from. If you want a happy family, check out someone who has one. If you want to be wealthy, ask a rich person – not a financial advisor (not the same), and not a poor person either. Unless of course you want a list of what not to do. The internet delivers to us the best and the worst of all advice. I can’t count To View More >>

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You created the perfect album. Except the size is wrong. Your clients have changed their mind. They still love the layout, but they want a different book. It isn't the ideal situation. It's actually why I prefer consulting the couple BEFORE laying out their book. Design for what they definitely want versus what you hope they will want. But alas, you're here. Stuck with the wrong size album. Thank goodness Photojunction auto-saves your albums as templates. You've just saved a ton of time! Just create a new album in the correct size (click the "+" button next to Products in the Event Window), add To View More >>

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Well, it's a sad day. Kodak has been felled by exactly what it espoused: universal access to cameras. – The Washington Post. That's true, but it's not the whole story. Kodak was also felled by its commitment to its legacy film business … even though it was a digital pioneer too. To be clear, Kodak says it isn't closing the doors, it's continuing to restructure, but still, it's sad to see a company (and technology) decline that brought so much good into the world - art created, memories conserved and stories told. Three things are certain: 1. Our world is changing, and we have to change with To View More >>

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