

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Let's wrap up this Problem reporter series and stop ignoring the elephant in the room… Who needs a problem reporter anyway? After all, as we confirmed at the webinar it drives some people nuts. Well I'm glad you asked! I should start by saying it's not an unusual concept. Try googling "pre-flight", for example, and check out the Wikipedia and Adobe listings in particular. What the pre-flight process does in the printing industry is ensure that digital files sent for printing are all present, valid, correctly formatted, and of the desired type. Why? Because, if they're not, the job can't be done. To View More >>

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Following the recent webinar covering the Problem Reporter, I decided to cover the problems that happen AFTER the Reporter. First you might encounter problems exporting. Once you get those resolved, you need to send your order. Should be easy enough, and usually it is, but sometimes you can have problems there too. Since we don't have 24 hour support coverage, we thought it might be helpful to post some tips on how to resolve some of those issues too. Now when you go to send your order at 5AM, you might be able to help yourself before you even need us to help you! Problem #1: Photojunction Crashes To View More >>

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I know we've been bleating on a bit about the Problem Reporter webinar recently, but Danny struck gold on several occasions during it and it'd be unfair to not share. Nanny ghosted over them the other day, but let's take a closer look. Hopefully the penny will drop for you too. Duplicate Lots of alignment issues the problem reporter reports have to do with apertures (usually custom apertures) being slightly different sizes. To be clear, we recommend using custom-sized apertures only when necessary, but If you want several custom apertures all the same size on a layout, you don't need to make To View More >>

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If you haven't been to the Photojunction website or blog lately, you won't recognise them. What's going on? Well, the old PJ site had to go, for several reasons. • Danny was embarrassed by it (me too). • PJ has changed so fast that a lot of the support info was out of date. • There's a bit of misinformation out there (I'll get to that). • And it's high time we came out of the closet… So here's the story: In case you don't know, Photojunction is a Queensberry project. It dates back ten years to when we first realised that any album supplier without a software solution was history (we To View More >>

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We met Jeff Youngren and his wife Erin (The Youngrens) a couple of years ago at WPPI and they've been on board with PJ ever since. Danny's received numbers of calls from Jeff about ideas for new Photojunction features, and it was one of those that is partly to thank for the new integration of albumexposure with Photojunction. 1) How do you like the albumexposure online album proofing feature? Why should others try it out? "To me, the Albumexposure/PJ integration is a game changer in the industry - never before has something so common been integrated so well into the whole design process. I'm blown To View More >>

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