

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Yesterday, I had one of the cheesiest sales line I've heard in quite a while tried on me... "Nigel, how will you feel tomorrow if you don't buy it now." I didn't buy and I feel OK. But I did buy wedding photography recently. I'm not sure which one of Johannes' categories I fit best, you'll have to ask him. And Ian – who says that, as a man, I'm not interested in the detailed (girlie) stuff? I was. Maybe that makes me a 'Control Freak'? Here's my take on selling to a man... (including a metro-sexual one). 1) Don't try any cheesy sales lines on me... I'll think you're a douche. Have a conversation To View More >>

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You, the photographer, are entrusted with telling the story of a couple's day ... not any old day ... it's the BIG one. [caption id="attachment_8319" align="alignleft" width="333" caption="The bride and groom"][/caption] They want it told with beauty and creativity. They chose you because they saw your work and figured that you would be the best person to tell their story. Or was it that they fell in love with your prices, and assumed that all photographers were equal (except for pricing)? Ultimately we are telling a story ... we need to know whether we are the authors or the observers, and apply To View More >>

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There was a time when the saying was, "Never trust anyone over 30!" But hey, check out my picture – that was then and this is now. Seriously folks, we were talking to Jerry Tomko at WPPI, and I thought ... this man has so much sensible stuff to share. So Heather and I took him up to the suite, sat him down with wine and nibbles and interviewed him around a single mic. Jerry is now a valued client, but he used to work as a rep for Art Leather. Here he talks about teaching people how to sell, why to sell albums (and frames), pre-designing an album in the days before digital, and more. Don't miss To View More >>

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New Research indicates that older people are indeed wise, both in knowing how to deal with conflicts between people and in accepting life’s uncertainties. This is called social wisdom. - recognising that values differ among people, - accepting that uncertainties are in fact a certainty, - accepting that things change over time, - and acknowledging others’ points of view. This is different to knowing stuff about technologies. As technology becomes the new playground the rules are the same but they execute differently. As photographers who ran successful businesses become last year's model To View More >>

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By Isaac de Reus It’s getting towards the end of the “wedding season”… we’re totally snowed under with editing… we are shooting 2, sometimes 3 weddings per weekend… and I’m shattered! So… I thought I’d sit down and list a whole heap of things I love about weddings – as a way to rejuvenating myself – and why not share it? I love seeing families come together, and capturing the little moments as old friends reconnect. I love seeing “everyday people” going through the process of having professional hair, makeup, putting on a beautiful dress. I love the reaction when the To View More >>

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