

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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How much is Workspace worth to you? That depends on what you do with it. We've got people clearing really good money from event photography. They upload the images, apply a price list, publish the collection, and we do the rest. We're told the best part is getting the confirmation emails on your phone! We've got people who'd rather self-fulfil (use their own lab). That's cool, we like loyal customers too. It's more work for you, and you need a Pro plan, but we don't charge commission and the money goes straight into your account. We've got people selling to places they never could before. Selling To View More >>

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When next you login to Workspace you'll see we've released an upgrade that makes major changes to the price list and shopping cart features. Largely these come from listening to your feedback as users, but we also need to change the way we handle taxes in Workspace at both the wholesale and retail level. We are sincerely grateful to our “early adopters”, and we’re sure you’ll like the changes - read on! - but if you’re already using these features you may need to edit your price lists, so this is an important heads-up. 1. You can now sell a range of Queensberry books and albums through To View More >>

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We've had a lot of enquiries asking about the deadline for our half-price special. Thanks for making it a great success. So we're giving you a bit of leeway. The deadline falls over this weekend, so as long as we have your order by the START OF BUSINESS ON MONDAY New Zealand time we'll allow the discount. But you will need to confirm the album order and pay within two days of us getting back to you. We have been absolutely swamped with DESIGN ORDERS. These are no charge as part of the promotion if ordered through Workspace (thanks for trying the feature, people really like it!). It may take a To View More >>

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In the context of professional people photography here are a few things that surprise and puzzle us. How often the images are released from the studio before the sale is finalised. How the album planning/sales process can take months, sometimes years. How there's often no attempt to up-sell after the event. How the album is treated as a cost, not a marketing tool. How album planning is treated as an obligation not an opportunity. How studios go with the crowd, instead of standing out from it. None of those maximise your opportunities, and there are probably less of those to go round right now. To View More >>

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In part this post is for the locals - us Kiwis and the Aussies from across the ditch. There's more below for those of you currently enjoying Summer… If you love Queensberry's album printing, why use another lab for everything else? We believe in consistency across the board. The same lovely people will do your colour correcting and printing. Depending on what you order, everything will be printed on the same machines. Turn around times are short and you will be talking to the same customer service team. We offer a range of traditional silver halide prints, canvas and fine art inkjet printing, To View More >>

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