

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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That recent New York Times article caused a kerfuffle by highlighting the impact of digital imaging, photo sharing, stock photography etc. In a nutshell, how does a professional photographer survive and thrive when imagery is everywhere, and generally free or nearly so? Or as Seth Godin put it, how are "average photographers" going to make a living shooting weddings "when the guests can do almost as well and all the photos are going on flickr anyway"? Case in point... Our own Danny married Natalie recently. Needless to say they hired a photographer ... but if they hadn't? They have heaps of photos To View More >>

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Hello Dears We haven't spoken for an age, but the latest Photojunction release is dear to my heart, so I thought I'd put down my knitting and tell you about it. The PJ boys are very conscious that the Problem Reporter can be frustrating, so they've added a check box which, if you want to, lets you "hide" PJ's warnings (marked with yellow triangles*) so they don't show up again. Now I wouldn't ignore automatically the problem reporter, but it can be a bit bossy sometimes, so this does feel very grown up, don't you think? A bit like the first time you realised people weren't asking you for ID any To View More >>

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Are you showing people what you want them to buy? I'll bet you're not. This is important, and so simple... Why does the "business you" want to sell albums? Because they're a surefire way to create extra income from two scarce resources - your time and your wedding bookings. I just got off skype from a photographer complaining because she can't sell albums. Wants to … but can't. But look at her website, or almost any photographers' website, and how many albums do you see? Almost none. How many photographers are showing what they (want to) sell? Almost none. So what's the difference between them To View More >>

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Since our re-branding last year the front flyleaf of every Queensberry album has been embossed with the new Q-mark. Why's it there? It’s simple really: to sign our work with pride and to acknowledge the craftsmanship and detailing that goes into every album we build. We're doing the same thing that you do as a photographer when you sign your work. We're branding it. Let me explain in detail what we're doing and why, because our goal is to build a brand that will support you as our clients. § Branding is primarily about getting recognised - not a "camera" but a Leica, not a "wedding album" To View More >>

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OK, we just removed the data storage limits from our top Workspace plan … but we're not in the Storage business, we're in the Usage business! We've put a major effort into building tools and services for you, and we keep a close eye on what you're doing with them. Here's what we notice… 1. Given our background it's probably no surprise that the most popular function is proofing PJ albums, or that the most popular album design method is getting us to do it for you (our design orders have doubled). 2. Our most active user has logged in 187 times! Is it a coincidence that (s)he also has the highest To View More >>

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