

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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In their vows they used the word 'forever', or possibly 'until death us do part'. Of course they weren't talking about their wedding album. But as a reflection of that fabulous day, where they promised everything to each other, you would surely expect their album to align with their personal version of 'forever'. We sell this idea to our clients. We tell them that this is why we use Queensberry. Longevity is a double edged sword. Longevity refers to the physical life of the album and its contents. It also refers to the enduring nature of the design and imagery. Read as 'simple is good'. We talk about how we want the album to be appreciated now, and in ten, or twenty years time. We share these thoughts with our clients to explain what makes our Queensberry albums special. Hugs, Johannes
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The end of the party economy | Queensberry Connects
May 18, 2009, 2:00 am
[...] I read Johanne’s longevity post last week it struck me that’s exactly how he and Jo present themselves. Telling stories about [...]