

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Our first Northern Hemisphere show was in Birmingham UK in 2001, when we shared a booth at FOCUS with the Guild of Photographers. We did so well we decided to fly solo at WPPI the following year. Our first time in Vegas! At that first show I turned up late on Day One because of a minor drama back home. It was amazing. Our little team (with an Aussie customer in support) were red-faced and practically shouting to make themselves heard to photographers piled up like driftwood round our booth. We had a blast for three days, heading back to the Casino in the evenings for a quiet drink in the din of the slot machines. Each year we’ve built bigger booths at both shows, taken more staff along, and the events have certainly been good to us. Thank you! But we think it’s time to try something new. We started thinking about this last February at WPPI. There were - how many? - fifty? sixty? vendors selling albums. There was Costco! There was breast painting! There were people throwing dollar bills around (in the booth next to us!) And plenty more side shows and conversation stoppers. We don’t care so much that it’s a bazaar (or a circus – it’s Vegas after all) but we do care that it’s so hard to get quality time with clients and prospects in the middle of this me-too madness. We prefer situations where you can have our full attention, and we can get yours. So yes, you’ll be able to catch up with us at both shows in some way, but we'll be doing things differently. Stay tuned for more about what we're doing, and that "something new". Tomorrow: Why we're doing discounts. Cheers Ian PS As always, we're keen to know what you think.
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October 14, 2011, 6:54 am
I certainly hope that you don't bypass WPPI all together!  I first saw and held a Queensberry album 2 years ago at WPPI and absolutely fell in love!  I've been building my business in a way to include them in my product line exclusively and have finally done that!  At SWPP last year in London, I saw the press books for the first time and it just solidified my choice to work with Queensberry and now my samples should be coming soon! I think still having a presence at the conventions is good, but perhaps some private parties in a suite like Madera did when they launched last year?  It was VERY intimate, one on one with people who were really interested in the product. They weren't competing with other vendors and it was an exclusive get together to see the product, talk with the creators and employees and just really have one on one time with both the interested photographers and designers and the employees.  Something like that would be PERFECT for Queensberry I think, but not bypassing the conventions all together.  I know many, many photographers who make the trips to those conventions every year to see and feel products in person to make their decision and it would be a shame to not have Queensberry involved in that.  xoxo!
October 19, 2011, 9:26 am
IMHO not a very smart decision. Many photographers (like me) will not commit to carrying a product until we can first pick it up and touch it and examine how it is made.  The single most important reason I go to the major shows is to see new products I might want to carry. More important than networking, more important than taking classes.  I knew absolutely nothing about Queensberry until I stumbled upon your booth years ago at Photo Plus. If anything you need to bring more products to shows, as I was disappointed the last time I saw you at a show that you didn't have a wider variety of your products that I could see in person.
Steve Barry
October 14, 2011, 3:27 am
I guess I have mixed feelings about your decision to bypass WPPI along with always wondering why you shunned Imaging USA. While I understand your reasonings, we had planned a trip to WPPI this year for the primary purpose of giving a good look at what's new and especially to hold a Musee and to a lesser extent the new Press Album.  Album's Australia tried the same tact - shunning a booth and scheduling private showings with their clients. They have pretty much disappeared from the scene in the states, which may or may not have anything to do with their decision.  I would certainly look forward to more personal attention. Maybe it's time to see if we can sneak a trip to Aukland by the IRS. Steve
November 1, 2011, 8:13 am
Hoping you can at least make it to WPPI! I would love to see some more of your albums first hand. There are several album companies who have gone "direct to consumer" so this might be a great time to show photographers that you are there for them. I hope you are able to organise a booth at WPPI still. Crossing my fingers. 
Our new price lists | Queensberry Connects
October 17, 2011, 3:22 am
[...] Why we’re stepping back from WPPI and FOCUS » [...]
October 20, 2011, 1:45 am
I Joined Queensberry because of the show at Focus, I HAD to see the product before I could plunge all my money into it. I can't imagine stepping back would be a good idea.   I’m guessing your going to have time slot’s for private meetings. Personally I don’t think this will benefit you in anyway, so many people will want meetings and so many will miss out. Also people may shy away worrying that there in for a hard sell.   I honestly don’t think you have to worry about ensuring you come across as a quality album supplier. Your albums speak for themselves. The Queensberry stand has always been the so simple and perfect. It’s always been about the albums and I wonder if it’s going to become more about the prestige of being part of Queensberry.