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Can Crash crash the royal wedding? Professional Photographer (UK)'s March issue features "the holy trinity of international wedding photographers", Crash Taylor, Jasmine Star and Yervant, in a competitive pitch for the royal gig. An interesting range of approaches between the three, but we're human and Crash had us at Queensberry: "Albums would be handcrafted in New Zealand by Queensberry, which is the Tiffany of wedding albums worldwide." I like how Crash stresses the significance of the event … the latest installment in the continuing story of the House of Windsor. It's not just about love and dresses! Weddings are celebrations of love, significance and pride, but never more so than here. You'd better get context and story right if you want this gig. But just saying that makes a point. It is the story of Kate and William after all. And their Mum and Dad. Grabbing the little glances, intimacies and gestures out of all that pomp and circumstance would be a real challenge, and a real gift, wouldn't it? I smell a couple of albums at least. Surely they've got the budget. Cheers, Ian Update: Some people are taking this a little seriously. Check out the comments.
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Gill Taylor
February 24, 2011, 8:19 am
Interesting that we are all now made out to be a bunch of muppet because we took this seriously? How absolutely insulting. The editorial was not written, nor presented, as a joke at any point. This is maddening.
February 22, 2011, 11:11 am
Guys, I think this was a spoof. The Royal wedding photographer was chosen some time ago.
Karl B....
September 28, 2011, 1:58 am
The more smoke you blow up the arses of the egotistical self absorbed so called famous rock star photographers then the more they win and in my mind this is what is wrong with the wedding photography industry today, it has gone from what it should be about to just feeding the egos of the few and the wanna be's sucking upto them inflating their egos even more, and it is all done for fame and fortune, but at the end of the day, they are just photographers, and they are ten a penny today..
Yvonne Blume
February 22, 2011, 10:56 am
Oops, this was supposed to be in reply to Chris's post, not Ian's.
Yvonne Blume
February 22, 2011, 10:55 am
Hi Chris, Firstly, from a journalistic point of view, putting an outright dishonest headline on a magazine cover to sell magazine copies breaks the very first principles of journalism and the editor should resign immediately for lack of integrity. And secondly, "newsworthy" photographers? Two of the three photographers in that article can claim no PHOTOGRAPHIC achievements whatsoever. They are tireless self-promoters with dubious photographic skill, who are negatively impacting the industry by training up unsuspecting wannabes into carbon copies of themselves. In the "news" they may be, on account of doing everything and anything they can to see their names in print. But newsWORTHY, they are not. Holy Trinity of Wedding Photographers? Professional Photographers Magazine has lost the plot.
Ken Buist
March 3, 2011, 11:39 am
Crash Taylor is also "Editor at large" of their sister magazine "Turing Pro", so its amazing publicity for one of their mates. They also want to boost sales in the USA .... "hello Jasmine, can you help". So you really have to question pro Photographer's selfish motives here. Yervant does warrant some respect though. Pro Photographer lacks any real credibility these days. Let's boycott and cancel subscriptions.
People: Crash Taylor | Queensberry Connects
June 21, 2011, 9:36 am
[...] in this post, for example, which I published because he was nice enough to call Queensberry “the Tiffany [...]
February 22, 2011, 11:55 am
No it was a PR stunt to get these photographers posted everywhere which by this post it has now started, Crash Taylor said on facebook it was meant as a joke, well I dont think its funny as Chris has highlighted.
Rachel Walkden
February 22, 2011, 10:27 am
If people believe it to be true "they obviously haven't read the magazine". I think you've just proved the entire point. If you need to go out and get the magazine in order to discover the story is a fabrication, then that's misleading, journalistic nonsense and they may as well put the title on a red banner and have a naked bird on page 3.
Jo Tennant
February 22, 2011, 10:51 am
Mark if it was a spoof - and known as being to the participants, then Yervant's comment "I would ask him to think of his mother Diana" beggars belief. And if it wasn't a spoof, then it still does. Would you really ask the groom on his wedding day to remember his mother who died in such tragic circumstances? I'm sure that would need no prompting from the photographer. It's all entirely tasteless.
Lewis Romane
December 24, 2013, 2:40 am
I love a good bitch session, nothing worse than a photographer self promoting at the expense of everyone else! wedding photographers nottingham
February 22, 2011, 12:02 pm
Well said Ian.
Guy Collier
February 22, 2011, 10:13 am
I'm with Simon here Ian. Whilst I've no doubt you intended your post here as tongue-in-cheek, it's pretty obvious to anyone who reads that magazine regularly, and has therefore followed its descent into the celebration of mediocrity, that this is yet another exercise in doing the same. It's misleading (just look at the cover for evidence of that), overblown and pointless. As for taking it seriously, it's pretty much a tipping point for a magazine that's jumped the shark here. As an industry I guess we either accept this sort of thing, or we make our feelings known. In this instance I choose the latter.
Truk Kudimente
February 23, 2011, 3:53 am
Jasmine Star in the Holy Trinity of International Photographers???? Are you guys for real?? The best photogs in the world don't even subscribe to these BS opinions nor these crap magazine polls. Yervant I could see being on the "Trinity" list but Jasmine Star? Crash Taylor? Hello! Jerry Ghionis (, Gino Lucadamo (, Frank Amodo ( That friends, is the 3 most talented people with a camera shooting Wedding Photos over the past decade. People need to wake up. This is all a big popularity contest!
Tweets that mention The Tiffany of wedding albums? | Queensberry Connects --
February 22, 2011, 8:46 am
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ian Baugh, Queensberry. Queensberry said: New post, "The Tiffany of wedding albums?" - [...]
Chris Mann
February 21, 2011, 8:56 am
Just to set the record straight, the article in question is a piece of journalistic nonsense concocted purely to shift some extra copies - just as magazines in the 80s used to notch up their circulation in a quiet month by slapping a picture of Princess Diana on the cover. Neither Yervant, Jasmine Star nor Crash Taylor were ever invited to "pitch" for the Royal Wedding, the entire idea was cooked up by Professional Photographer magazine in a desperate bid to garner some attention - which it seems they have succeeded in doing. Much as we all love Queensberry albums over here in the UK, you guys aren't really doing yourselves any favours by associating yourselves with this very silly (non-)story.
wedding photography
March 9, 2011, 3:06 am
We hope Crash gets it (we're huge fans!)
Ian Bursill
February 22, 2011, 12:47 pm
A spoof maybe, but shameful self promotion also. The 'joke' may well have indeed created a lot of interest today and will have helped to have sold loads of copies, but in the long run will do more harm than good to (a) the indudtry in general and (b) to subscriptions for the mag. I am cancelling my subscription asap and know of many others who are following suit...