

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Yes our circumstance is unique (our studio was wiped out in an earthquake), but what a great motivator to get a new sample album or two. Very seldom do we get a blank canvas opportunity where we get to look at what we do and ask, "If my past no longer dragged down my future what would my future be?" On February the 22nd  everything changed. We went from a plan, to a nightmare, to a dream. But this post isn't about us. This is about you. We as a studio would often leave updating our samples until there was a specific need, which most often was a bridal show. This always put pressure on us and the lovely folk at Queensberry because the deadline would always be short. What I am proposing is the regular scheduled upgrading of sample albums, either as a specific job or as a copy of some work you are proud of. Choose a couple of dates in a year, like April and October, and make those the dates to replace samples. Make it a rule for every year. Try and look at it as a blank canvas opportunity where you get to be whatever you want to become, by creating something to excite you and your audience. Make it the "new you", not the "old you" revisited and rehashed. Recreate yourself continuously. That should be the plan. And the dream should be to always be excited about being a photographer. And if you have the choice, skip the nightmare. Cheers, Johannes
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