

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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No, that's not what it means. WTF stands for… Website (yours): It's hard to get people to visit, but you're in charge, it looks like you – you shape it, you own it. Twitter: Millions hang out there, there are ways to get their attention – but it belongs to someone else. Facebook: Same thing with bells on. Millions and millions of people. Awesome networking and sharing tools. But you're not in charge, it doesn't look like you're in charge, and Mr Zuckerburg gets the Google Juice not you. It's essential to hang out with people in these public places, but invite them back to your place as well. Give them a chance to see what makes you different, and better, and authentic. For example, every week Anna posts a client's album on our blog, and mentions it on Facebook. People click through to our blog to check it out. Some of them click the Like button, some click through to our main site. And it gets better if our client (or her client) links, likes and reposts as well. Chances are you're not trying to rule the world, just set up your own place as best it can be. Better to own your virtual castle, I reckon. Cheers Ian
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