

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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There are — how many? — a million professional photographers around the world? All competing for customers who are happily uploading their own pictures to the internet by the billion every day!

How do you stand out in that crowd? How do you earn a living? By being a better photographer, yes. By knowing what your clients want before they do, absolutely.

And by thinking differently and acting differently. By being a price setter not a price taker. By leading the crowd, not joining it.

Unfortunately the world is heading in the opposite direction. Giant labs. Huge hosting sites. Software snake-oil. Commodity printing and products. Businesses built on supplying the same stuff to as many customers as possible, including your customers!

If you want to stand out from the crowd, so do we

Like you, standing out means aspiring to be the best — in our case making the best books and albums out there. But our products and services won’t squeeze into the big boys’ pigeon holes, which is why we built our own cloud platform, Workspace.

Workspace means we can deliver you pretty much everything the true professional needs — exclusive products; album design, ordering and proofing; shopping cart and order fulfilment; image hosting and sharing; website hosting, client sites, mobile galleries, a blogging platform and more. All for one low subscription. We’re constantly working to make it better, and we’d love you on board for the ride.



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