

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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Many years ago I headed to an up-market department store to buy a gift. When I asked the person behind the counter to show me what I wanted, she replied, “It’s expensive you know”. Was she suggesting that I couldn’t afford it, or was she reflecting on her own economic situation? She should have known better. Her job was to show me the product, work with my enthusiasm and make the business she worked for better off. As a business person I’ve reflected on this incident often. I’m always reminded of it at trade shows when people look at our albums and say things like, “They're so beautiful, but my clients can’t afford these.” I’m sure that’s the case sometimes, but it’s impossible to know that … or when a women who really loves something won’t toss the budget out the window. We do it all the time. Just ask Ian ;) Best, Heather That incident happened years ago, but I've never forgotten. So even if you think it, don't say it – but don't think it either.
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May 22, 2012, 6:06 am
Thanks for this Heather. I consciously avoid words like 'cheap' and 'expensive' in client meetings but sometimes struggle with the right synonym to replace them with. I know that QB promotes the use of 'good, better, best' to describe an album range but I'd be keen to hear anybody else's ideas on this.
May 24, 2012, 3:53 am
Hi Lloyd, I posted a reply yesterday and have just realized it seems to have disappeared.  Are you wanting suggestions for synonyms for Wedding package prices or albums?   "This is our Studio Basic album" seems to work well for less expensive albums and "This is our custom designed Art Album "for higher end package.  The most important part is that a client should always be able to perceive the difference between the products.  The custom designed Art album should look like a work of art.  Hope that helps. Get back if you need to. Cheers H