

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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More feedback on my email, Your next album company
It's hard to compete ... We've seen a massive influx of photographers from Eastern Europe charging very low prices and supplying reasonable products.
I understood the impact of this EU "migration" in British hotels and restaurants, but I honestly hadn't thought about the impact on photographers (Jo and Kirsten will be shaking their heads!). Even so I feel that this kind of competition is always with us ... in one form or other. The purpose of outstanding presentation is to add value to your photography. That's why,
whoever you use
, your albums must help you stand out in the market. If you can't think of five reasons why people should choose you, there's probably only one: you're cheap. Said differently, differentiate or drop your prices. But here's the thing: if you agree with that sentiment, you've ruled out most suppliers in the market. Two final thoughts... If you're interested I posted aearly this year on dealing with the recession and album-based marketing. And as mydemonstrated, QBY has exactly the same challenge. Cheers, Ian PS Comments invited!
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June 18, 2009, 4:12 am
Niels, sorry to miss your comment. If the market were flooded with QBY our perceived exclusivity would disappear and your reason for using them with it. My email did generate quite a lot of enquiries, but our goal is always to appeal to the minority who "get" what we say, for the very reasons you say.
June 17, 2009, 10:32 am
Great to hear from you Jerry. I feel awkward thinking I could teach someone with your experience to suck eggs. A few points FWIW. 1. Watch this space, we have an announcement coming up soon that should help over time. 2. This page is on topic but you've read it, I guess. 3. Doesn't it make marketing to previous clients important? They know what it costs and hopefully like it. So blogs, the albums you've already done, word of mouth, name visibility at the wedding...

Cheers, Ian
June 13, 2009, 5:09 am
Our thoughts for discussion - we use QBY albums because we love the quality and differentiation that they give us from competitors.

If the market becomes 'flooded' with people using them, importantly, what happens to QBY's perceived exclusivity and our competitive edge?

Of course the price will put some people off, but this still remains a concern of ours as Spicers have gone and this is one major player in the UK market...
Jerry Tomko
June 17, 2009, 5:41 am
I totally agree with album based marketing! HOWEVER, we are experiencing a VERY HIGH percentage of inquiries that just want a price list - nothing else. When I try to reach out to them with a phone call, they do not return the phone call at all! So you could be offereing a 24k gold album, if they will not come in or even return a phone call, you are still batting your head against the wall. Any suggestions?

Jerry Tomko