Recent posts
Photojunction ran an interesting post a day or two ago. Danny referenced a report from that spending on wedding photography in the US may be in decline. It prompted Sonya to mention anecdotal reports that UK photographers, also, may be in for a rough ride for a while – bookings down etc. Yes, times may be tougher next year. If they get tough for you, we’re concerned and sympathetic. Bad stuff happens in business, and if you’re affected, we are too. But... Don’t sabotage your long-term business in order to survive! What do I mean? Queensberry has always stressed the To View More >>
Not every business owner can call themselves a professional photographer. But every business owner needs to be a marketer. Creativity lends itself quite nicely to marketing so the chances are, if you're reading this blog but don't claim to be a marketer already, you'll be quite good at it. I was reading an article by Paul Williams yesterday that made me realise this: The current economic climate is forcing every business owner (that's you) to become a marketer. The recession is a "training ground for us to hone our businesses. The difference (or benefit?) with the recession is that EVERYBODY To View More >>
After 2-1/2 years Nigel is leaving Queensberry to take up a new position as the marketing and comms guy at Medtech Global. Nigel leaves to progress his career with our very best wishes. We’re going to miss him. To View More >>
After 2-1/2 years Nigel is leaving us to take up a new position as the marketing and comms guy at Medtech Global. This is short notice because Medtech, which specialises in medical software, is keen to have him in a hurry (we don't blame them) and we felt able to oblige. I'm regretting it already, but never mind :( Nigel leaves to progress his career with our very best wishes and my personal gratitude for everything he's done for us while he's been here. We're going to miss him. Don't be a stranger Nige! Cheers, Ian You know Nige is our metrosexual in residence. Maybe he's leaving 'cos he gets To View More >>
Follow the links for "the story so far" in our series on the recession... Yes, times will be tough for a while but you shouldn't assume the sky is falling. It makes no sense to sacrifice your business and market reputation to survive the short term challenge. Instead you may need to pull your horns in and find ways to prosper while others decline. A good place to start is by analysing your budget and business model, and we have a spreadsheet to help with that. Most people react to the threat of declining sales by saying, "I've gotta cut my costs". Everyone needs to work out their own figures, To View More >>
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